
ALBUM REVIEW: Vs the Anti Mother // Norma Jean

So I'm aware that this is an older album, but my buddies and I just never really got into the hype at the time. It's pretty typical for me to neglect a band while it's in it's prime, and then go back to it years later and fully appreciate it.
Anyways... Norma Jean is a band that i've been really into lately, and it all started after I saw the Chariot for the second time. (in case you didn't know, Josh Scogin is the lead singer of the Chariot and former vocalist of Norma.) I have been listening to the Chariot for years now, and figured I should go back to Norma and compare the two. I would have to say over-all I dig Norma more, and the main reason is "Vs of the Anti Mother."
The album was released in 2008, following their first 3 albums. The band changed members frequently, and each substitution led to different sounds between each of the albums. Two vocalists after Scogin left was Cory Brandan, a vocalist who fits the band perfectly. The beauty of the whaling distorted guitar riffs and Brandan's vocals battle each other in harmony. The less than perfect semi-clear vocals are unique, and flow in and out of screams like crunchy peanut butter and jelly, and display an immense amount of emmotion. Another thing that draws me in is the guitars which have no mid-tones, it's either full blast or nothing. They possess a cheap sludge sound that when repeated together creates a strong presence. The band knows how to break it down to mellow moments of breathing only to break the surface once again.
The lyrics possess a dark image that tells of a struggle and impatience with society, and it's dark ways. The overall message screams frustration with the unconscious, evil choices people make, and continue making. Also the means of change, no matter what it takes. Issues such as war are addressed and shamed. "Carry your flags, march into that fictional cause and show off that medal
Just don't reach for that gun
" They can get to be a bit vague in some meanings, but the overall message is clear.
After all is said, the album takes me to a place in it's own, somewhere unique and dark, with a musty smell. If you haven't checked it out, please do and tell me what you think! I want cooperation on everything that is posted on this blog, and I want this to become a community, and I want your opinion.


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