
New Wallpaper Project

So if you follow The Fox Is Black's blog formerly known as kitsunenoir, you will know I like to borrow many of he and his colleagues posts and ideas. I just can't help it, he is a big inspiration to me. My favorite thing has always been the desktop wallpaper project, because if you know me, theres nothing more important than having my big bright monitor displaying something that inspires me, or just compliments the style of my studio (small ass room). I already copied his idea for the wallpaper series, and am now copying his new desktop wallpaper series of interpretations of albums. He chose to pick an artist and create a wallpaper visually interpretating each album from that artist. Not to be completely ripping the idea off, I plan on choosing one album from each artist. These albums have to be opinionatively the most powerful/meaningful/whatever... THE BEST album from each artist. I plan on picking the first one since I have already started doodling in class, and then let my colleague Nathan pick the next one, and after that one of our loyal readers. As far as the artwork, do your own, or tell me the album and i'll do my best. Were going to try and do one a week, and they will be due by sunday night at midnight. Participate!


p.s // Any guess on what album I will chose?


  1. If it's anything besides The King of Limbs you would be a disgraceful copier.

  2. LCD Soundsystem! They arecoming to a close soon. As well as Bright Eyes. -FRED

  3. you'll see sunday!

    so pumped to see everyone else's wallpapers!
