The new sound seems heavily influenced by Radiohead. I still dig it but its definitely not as catchy as before.
Great Tattoossss
This girl has quite the creative tattoos, especially the antlers coming out of the ventricals of the heart bordered by a rosary. We has date?

"Retrospect" teaser by Videograss
More Snowboarding Videos
This teaser isnt the one I wanted to post, but it was the only one i could get the embeded code for, the other is RIGHT HERE. Bt anyways this looks to be the most promising video so far this year, until the people crew comes out with theirs of course.
Random Bastards teaser for "Tentacle"
Random Bastards crew has personally become one of my favorite crews in the last year because of their insanity in snowboarding and not givin' a ****, it takes a little of that to do the things they do. They seem to be having just as much fun in this video as they did in "Seven Up" which was their last years video. oh btw you can download that one for free RIGHT HERE.
random bastards,

Flow's new teaser for "Was Here"
Flow Snowboards - "Was Here" Trailer from Flow Snowboarding on Vimeo.
This teaser left me sitting here jaw dropped flat out. The way snowboarders are progressing the game is ridiculous, and with such clean style. All of the shots shown in the teaser can really fuck you up. WEVE CREATED A MONSTER! / props flow team.
scotty lago,
was here

New Blink Video
I was not disappointed by this like I thought I would be. There's definitely some Angels and Airwaves mixed in there with a nice heavy surprise at the end.
blink 182,
up all night

Kills and Thrills
As I was in my search for show flyers in order to make my wallpaper at school, I stumbled across this band. dig
Posted this before but the blog was freaking out. Let's try round 2.
No Sleep Records Free Sampler
One of the best record labels out there in my opinion. No Touche Amore track though...interesting.
I've been really diggin' the new Sainthood Reps album "Monoculture" and know that Dev has too. I was wandering about the internet and found that not only will they be supporting Brand New on their western US tour this year, they will also be touring with this gem called Seahaven. Really glad I found this band. Check out the rest of their stuff here.
Sainthood Reps,

New Stray From the Path
Stray From The Path - Prey by RockSoundMagazine
Stray From the Path's new song "Prey" feature's Cory Brandan from Norma Jean. Here's a quote from an article on about the inspiration for the song:
"We got the inspiration from the song looking at the bands that claim to be part of the Christian hardcore/metalcore scene," guitarist Tom Williams admits. "The bands that we meet, bands that we see, bands that we hear all claim to be part of this thing and it looks like they are just using their religion for financial gain. It pissed us off as it is manipulating people. The song actually branches out to more than just bands, it's about people who use religion in any way to make money out of others."
Stray From the Path's new song "Prey" feature's Cory Brandan from Norma Jean. Here's a quote from an article on about the inspiration for the song:
"We got the inspiration from the song looking at the bands that claim to be part of the Christian hardcore/metalcore scene," guitarist Tom Williams admits. "The bands that we meet, bands that we see, bands that we hear all claim to be part of this thing and it looks like they are just using their religion for financial gain. It pissed us off as it is manipulating people. The song actually branches out to more than just bands, it's about people who use religion in any way to make money out of others."
stray from the path

This is Chad, the old vocalist to FTFD. Ive known about them for a while, but now they have recorded cleaner and meaner.
So I just got back from a 3 day trip to Boston. It was my first time there and I really liked it. As each day passed I felt more and more at home with the place, and by the time we had to leave I felt like I was leaving home.
the saddest landscape
Diggin' these guys today, and glad my musical discoveries led me to them. The beginning was fucking nasty with that rolling bass and snappy snare hits, and then the thrash of the vocals, plus the lyrics speak to me pretty well. fuck.
NPR Music Project Song: Chris Walla and J. Robbins
This is a project by two great musicians who put together an amazing song. This is inspiration.
Burning Airlines,
Chris Walla,
Death Cab for Cutie,
J. Collins

Best Coast Supervideo
Here's a new video from Best Coast directed by Drew Barrymore. It features Don Glover, that girl from Kick Ass, Maybe from Arrested Development, and some other dude. Kinda cheesy, but a good step in the right direction of actually hearing indie music on television.
Check out Manchester Orchestra's new video for "Virgin." The video was handed to the band by a film student in Rochester, NY who had been listening to the bands newest album Simple Math in the background while working on edits for a school project and realized that the song matched up perfectly to his work. Here's a quote from the band for proof:
“We were skeptical to say the least, but the more he talked about it, the more we were interested in actually seeing this thing,” told the band. “He pulled his laptop out and placed it on the steps to the bus. We were blown away. We put him in touch with our manager and for the last few months he’s been putting the finishing touches to this incredible piece. This is that rare moment when art expands further than first intentions or expectations. Where two different inspirations can coincide to create something better. We proudly present to you: ‘Virgin’, directed by Ben Disinger.”
ben disinger,
manchester orchestra,

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