
What's with the Scarves?

I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with this music video. I was really looking forward to watching it since August Burns Red has always pumped out great videos, but its just not that good. Cliche running and fight scenes that don't really mean anything, bored.



I thought this was pretty cool and I think legos aren't so bad either. How long til he come's out of retirement again?

Seems like an awful lot of work for a fan to do on their own though. Maybe it's just a good addition to his portfolio?

Touche' Amore album review

There you go scott, we'll discuss at camp.



Heights is another hardcore gem out of the UK. Their progressive style lifts and lifts throughout the songs, and their at first annoying screamer quickly blends well with the instruments and comes out of the oven as another freshly baked contemporary hardcore treat from the UK.


It almost seems a bit early

However, it's never too early. This is sure to be another great on from the Forum team.


Sainthood Reps.

Untitled from Sainthood Reps on Vimeo.

I Just love this promotional vid for Sainthood reps., and can't wait to grab that first album.


It's Show time!

So today I erased my computer then put the pieces back together, and in the process of using essentially my brand new mac, I cruised through my itunes and to make sure they worked together again. I came across what my friends had been listening to and remembered that Scott showed me La Dispute, and the song "such small hands," and I loved it. Side note: I skated around town tonight listening to La Dispute and it was purely magic. The fog was so thick I could feel it on my face, and the music linked up perfectly with it. Anyways after falling in love with La Dispute again I found some of their friends on myspace and really liked them too, and guess what their playing together! Heres some videos of the bands and the sick show flyer.


Well I was actually looking for a harder band called Rooks, but this is kinda cool.  Holy hard nips!


The Plot In You

Holy shit.

Edit: Devun you're a freak

chuckle chuckle


Ive been brainstorming for a new project I have at my internship, and sometimes it helps to do something else without any thought, and just photoshop something stupid.  This piece I will put up on facebook/twitter/tumblr.. etc to promote the blog.  btw the photo I took when Felicia Scott Nate and I were on Lake Ontario chillen.  I think subliminally I had old spice on the mind.

old spice and this

With Life In Mind


It's comedic how badass my tumblr friend ashtrayrabbit is with her posts.  Every single one of them is a skinny naked lady, or in this case bitch.  Nonetheless I needed to re-blog this photo simply because it made me laugh, and it is actually a really strong photo with great colors and motion provided by the wind, along with some great suspenders worn by the hottie on the left.

Giant Robot is a great site based off asian styles of art that cover the most contemporary of artists and their work.  I found some work from a great show featuring Deth P. Sun and Ferris Plock .  The show features some really great illustration with color like ive never seen.  I suggest clicking the links on the artists names because they both have some great work online.