Skate and Destroy
Big Bad Wolves

Summer with Dellas
So I have been looking for internships/work this summer so that I can break free of the word "broke." My teacher told me about a place looking for a student, and so I contacted them. Their name is Dellas Graphics, and they are a print/mail shop located in Syracuse. The above illustrations are from clients who annually create frog illustrations for the company's calendar. Not exactly sure what their obsession with frogs is yet, but i'm sure i'll find out soon. This is very exciting for me, but what does it mean for my summer with my homies? Well I don't think it should take away from it too much since i'm only going to be working 3 maybe 4 days a week, plus Scotts camp is relatively close to 'Cuse, so maybe it will give us an excuse to be beach bums more often. Also maybe I will be able to visit my long lost buddy Lucas Gardner.
The One Who's Not in Jail

Happy Easter
Stray From the Path
"[The music video is] not to shit on people who believe in God or any religion for that matter. Its about the evils and ignorance in things like religion. If someone believes in it because they feel like it works for them, then that is good. Not because a band does, or anything else. They do it for themselves. But just because they believe and you don't, doesn't mean you have to shit on it. Just respect that its different than what you believe."
I'm pretty sure I've heard those exact words come out of Nate's mouth. Why is it so hard for everyone else to figure out? My apologies for the heavy post, I'll save the rest for drunken bonfire talks in 2 weeks.

I was thinking of the band because I know they are just as depressed as I am about the Rangers loss yesterday, which ended their season. I gotta get my hands on one of these shirts at the Norma Jean show in Syracuse. Also, there is a Blackhawks fan in the band so Nathan you can love them too.

Happy Easter

Sometimes Two is Better Than One

In Case You Didn't Believe Us the First Time
Here's The Chariot's new video for "The City." Some of the footage is new and some old, but all of it is absolutely insane. I can't stress this enough, go see this band live.

This was the solution well before teen angst.
(Nate wanted to post ((the Bulls Were Good Back Then))
Grow Some Hair

How and why have I not heard of this band until today?! Listen to everything they've ever written.
Lesson Learned
Time and time again I have ignored bands based solely on their name and end up regretting it later. This was definitely the case with War From a Harlots Mouth. Maybe its a German thing? I don't really get it. I'm not a huge fan of all of their music by any means, but I can't get enough of this music video for "To Age and Obsolete" (even if the editing makes no sense most of the time).

Call to Arms
Newish > Horse The Band
This is a must see, i'm not sure how new it is, but it's newer than my collection has to offer. I used to blast these guys oldest album in my apartment in Utica constantly, and now listening to their newer stuff really brings me back. This new stuff clearly has the potential to be even better I believe, and i'm heading a page over to click away at a shopping spree.
Nah let's get happy!!! Rolo Tomassi
Thank you It-Leaked for this fresh new sound, and oh would you just look at that front
Lets be sad together.
Not really though, but this post is about Mansions. They/he has always meant quite a bit to me. I listened constantly to the 10ish songs and their remixes I had my freshman year of college and on. I never thought it was anything that special musically or anything, though I did like it. Also, I normally don't like the whole whiny voice thing, though he does have his own unique way of doing this. All I could figure is the only reason I like it as I do is because its just so sad. There is a great deal of sad music out there, but this is just so perfectly depressing. It truly just is exactly what it is and great at that. So after a few weeks of Chris' new album floating around each playlist I've made, he didn't disappointed. Felicia even tell's me he's a quite cheery man in person as well, go figure. Enjoy, or be sad, as you will.
Close that Door
Call Me When It's Over
Absolute Brooklyn
Deathbed Athiest> Norma Jean
Heres another video from Norma, actually forgot about this one till now. This ones on their new album Meridional which I have been listening to quite a bit.
On another note: I have been noticing lately that my mind works very subliminally, and one of the instances has to do with the connection between Norma Jean and Norma Jean. As you know I have been really digging the band, and making it my mission to know every lyric, guitar riff, and drum beat by heart. While my brain cleans up my daily agenda like a brand new sponge, it also soaks up everything my eyes see and ears hear. And when I attempt to express myself, I end up ringing out that sponge to see what comes out. In most cases I am dissatisfied in thinking what I have expressed has no true meaning to me, or my life.. but sometimes it does, and I can't even see it until later on. For example: When I was designing the new header for the blog, my intentions were to be non-objective. Something told me to use an image of Marilyn Monroe. If you didn't know, Marilyn Monroe's real name is Norma Jean. This could be a coincidence, or not. But with the every day fluff of deadlines, paperwork, and thoughts about the meaning of life filling my head and spilling out of my ears, I think there are connections being made without any effort or conceptual planning, and I like that. This only further illustrates how much music means to people, and how significant of an impact it has on our lives.
Spies Like Us
I don't know if I really like these guys. But what I do like is the small unique parts that break away from the continuosly typical. I'll give em a try but im sure i'll be dragging/dropping them out of my itunes and in the trash soon enough, that is unless the rest of the album (which is coming out early summer) is less predictable. Im gunna go listen to some Norma. pce.
ps. Merry Questmas everyone in Oswego.
Asking Alexendria
Rangers Fight Their Way To The Playoffs
What happened is that the Rangers had to beat the Devils, and the Lightning had to beat the Hurricanes. All said and done it worked out, see you in the playoffs.
- Wasted Bullet -
Got these guys new album a couple days ago, I was looking for muscle and I got it. Not too much to say about it, well I guess I could say I laughed through this whole video, kind of ... well nothing going on. I think if they had some sort of quick cut throat scenes it would contrast their attempt of a Richard Avedon white backdrop affect, and also give the guitarist on the right a break from two-stepping in quick sand. All jokes aside, the song is sick, and so is the album.
森の木琴 Touch Wood
This post I stole from Bobby over at The Fox Is Black, and I couldn't help but repost it here. This is a commercial by DOCOMO for the Touch Wood SH-08C phone. The use of the wood ball rolling over the planks of wood to create different tones is super creative, and natural in the environment it was shot. It reminds me of how humans can actually enter nature and create something so large without intruding on it. Kind of like the human version of a bowerbird nest. The way the commercial is shot with such patience really drew me in, and i found myself starring at my monitor so close my nose was almost touching. Coming to the climax at the end was my favorite part, where everything literally fell into place, and the concept was revealed. O ya the phone is kind of cool too.
because i can
Everything RAC
RAC Portfolio by RAC
ALBUM REVIEW: Vs the Anti Mother // Norma Jean
So I'm aware that this is an older album, but my buddies and I just never really got into the hype at the time. It's pretty typical for me to neglect a band while it's in it's prime, and then go back to it years later and fully appreciate it.
Anyways... Norma Jean is a band that i've been really into lately, and it all started after I saw the Chariot for the second time. (in case you didn't know, Josh Scogin is the lead singer of the Chariot and former vocalist of Norma.) I have been listening to the Chariot for years now, and figured I should go back to Norma and compare the two. I would have to say over-all I dig Norma more, and the main reason is "Vs of the Anti Mother."
The album was released in 2008, following their first 3 albums. The band changed members frequently, and each substitution led to different sounds between each of the albums. Two vocalists after Scogin left was Cory Brandan, a vocalist who fits the band perfectly. The beauty of the whaling distorted guitar riffs and Brandan's vocals battle each other in harmony. The less than perfect semi-clear vocals are unique, and flow in and out of screams like crunchy peanut butter and jelly, and display an immense amount of emmotion. Another thing that draws me in is the guitars which have no mid-tones, it's either full blast or nothing. They possess a cheap sludge sound that when repeated together creates a strong presence. The band knows how to break it down to mellow moments of breathing only to break the surface once again.
The lyrics possess a dark image that tells of a struggle and impatience with society, and it's dark ways. The overall message screams frustration with the unconscious, evil choices people make, and continue making. Also the means of change, no matter what it takes. Issues such as war are addressed and shamed. "Carry your flags, march into that fictional cause and show off that medal
Just don't reach for that gun" They can get to be a bit vague in some meanings, but the overall message is clear.
After all is said, the album takes me to a place in it's own, somewhere unique and dark, with a musty smell. If you haven't checked it out, please do and tell me what you think! I want cooperation on everything that is posted on this blog, and I want this to become a community, and I want your opinion.