In my excess of work and need to listen to a 10 hour audio book by Wednesday, I haven't had a lot of time for newer music. At first glance this band really isn't my style. They've been floating around my playlist for a week or two and never really garnished any significant notice. Sure it's fairly catchy, has good beats, and a little something extra but so what, a lot of music is like that these days. Until tonight I had just assumed them to be the next La Roux. Then I suppose I heard the right song at the right time. Tonight it brought me back to one of the best times of my life when Devin and I were driving around the Northeast. I remember Lake Placid, my parking ticket in Burlington, Devin's then dream school (Castleton) and a couple songs: Yours to Keep by Teddybears Stockholm and Heartbeats by The Knife. There's obviously some similarities between The Naked & Famous and these bands but it's more the attitude of it all that makes me happy. Regardless, after I have the quiz on this book Wednesday, I know what I'm listening to my drive home.
The Naked & Famous – Young Blood